Logo, Law Offices of Brook Radelfinger, Law Firm in San Francisco, CA

Phone Icon (855) 251-1136

769 Monterey Blvd. Suite 6
San Francisco, CA 94127

A member of the California State Bar Association and the bar association of San Francisco (Family Law Sections)

Premarital & Prenuptial (Prenups) Agreements in and near San Francisco, California

Learn the terms of the biggest contract of your life before it's too late at the Law Offices of Brook Radelfinger in San Francisco, California. We specialize in Premarital and Prenuptial (Prenups) agreements.  Don't let the California State Legislature draft the terms of your marriage contract.  You and your fiance can draft an agreement that fits your marriage instead of the one imagined by the 1990's California State Legislature. 

Did You Know...

...that once you are married, your spouse will, over time, gain an interest in a home you owned before marriage just because you paid the mortgage with money you earned after marriage?
...that all money earned during the marriage, no matter whose name it is held or who earned it, is community property and if the marriage ends, each of you is entitled to one half of whatever is left, no matter who spent more or who saved more?
...that you have the burden of proving an asset was yours before you were married or it is considered community property and divided evenly even if the documents that could prove this were lost through no fault of yours (such as a bank merger)?
...that if you are married for more than 10 years, you can end up paying spousal support for more than half the length of the marriage? And that the temporary support guideline provides for spousal support of up to 40% of the paying spouses net monthly income?
...that in most circumstances you are liable for half of the debts your spouse incurs during marriage even if our name is not on the debt and you didn't know about it?

Sculptures of Men

Total Peace of Mind

If you take the time to learn the law that is the foundation of your marriage, you can marry your loved one with confidence. If you are unhappy with the terms that California provides, our law firm can craft premarital agreements that work for both you and your partner. After writing your agreement with experienced legal help, you can marry secure in the knowledge that the basis for your union is shared information, goals, and ideals.

If you don't want a premarital agreement, or if your spouse will not agree to one, there are still actions you can take to protect your separate property assets and to prevent costly mistakes that you can make during your marriage.  Taking an hour or so to learn those steps can prevent mistakes that can cause you to lose your separate property home, business or savings.  If travel for a face to face meeting is difficult, Brook Radelfinger is willing to make arrangements for an internet meeting via Skype or other visual contact software.

Contact us at (855) 251-1136 in San Francisco, California, for more information about our custom Premarital / Prenuptial (Prenups) Agreements.